Black Health Black Wealth, LLC
Sign up for the “Knowledge is Power” Community
The "Knowledge is Power" Community is a membership program for black and brown women of color.
What People Are Saying:
“Dr. Bryant is committed to her purpose and it shows in her work. Working with her is a joy and she makes you feel at ease. Dr. Bryant is an expert in her field and her range of services caters to the need of her clients. Hire her!”
— Nadia Levine, CEO of Levine Consulting Group
“I am so pleased that I was able to attend Dr. Bryant’s session.” I feel like I arrived in a group of strangers and we all left as friends. It was a warm, safe space and she was a masterful and transparent facilitator. It was a wonderful experience. I highly encourage others to join.”
— Nikita Boston, CEO of The Good Health Cafe
“I am so thankful I attended the “Knowledge is Power” session! I was surrounded by brilliant sisters, open to sharing their experiences surrounding mental health experiences and how to triumph over stress and anxiety. Hesitant to join? Take my word, you won’t regret it!”
— Andrea Stafford, Co-owner of Mad Dope Studios
“Hearing the stories shared has given me so much validation. I am convinced that I am not alone and that I am not imagining my feelings. I am encouraged to seek therapy for myself! Thank you for holding this space! ”
— Anonymous
"When talking to Dr. Bryant, I'm able to be patient and focus on 'the now.' Before, I really couldn't see 'the now' because I was so eager for the future but also consumed by anxiety and imposter syndrome being a black woman in STEM. As someone who was in my shoes and continues to understand what I go through, it is heartening to have Dr. Bryant be so compassionate and uplifting to me, not only being a black woman in STEM but just being a black woman overall unapologetically. I can laugh, I can cry, I can be happy, and I can be angry in our conversations without any shame. There is no ego or God complex, only love. Black girl love. She listens. She wants me to win. I AM winning because of mentors like her inspiring me every day to be great."
~ Faith Johnson, Undergraduate Student at University of Arizona; CEO/ founder of APrettySmartWorld
BHBW Weekly Blog
A platform, safe space that provides Hope, Love, Light, and Peace for the within and Empowerment for facing the without!
Public Health Consulting
Black Health Black Wealth offers customized and expert consulting to non-profit and for-profit organizations. Our goal is to empower our clients to achieve excellence by delivering programs, products, and services that support the expansion of health equity and DEI.
Contact us with any questions, for scheduling speaking engagements, or for inquiries about our consulting services.
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