My Confidence is Soaring!

Psalm 46:5

“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.” 

I have learned that when my confidence is at its lowest it is because I have let the feeling of unworthiness enter into my heart or I am focusing on my failures past and anticipating my failures-to-come.  It also happens when I focus on what I lack and how I measure up according to standards that are not even mine.   

This affirmation reminds me that there is no limit to my confidence.  My confidence is not constrained by how I or others perceive my worth.  My confidence is not defined by how many failures I have or don’t have.  My confidence is not limited because I don’t check all the boxes on someone else’s checklist. 

When my confidence begins to wain psalm 46:5 reminds me that the one with ultimate control is within me and I cannot be moved. I cannot fail. It reminds me that I am worthy. It reminds me that my failures are not detrimental. It reminds me that the one who holds it all is within me to give me exactly what I need! When I focus on this I am not concerned with a standards checklist. The only list of standards I need is within me.

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My Faithful Companion


Dear Self,