My Faithful Companion
Why does it seem that when the sun sets the grief awakens? She rises with intensity and sound that demands to be heard. She speaks words that mandate attention. She is as fierce as the darkness and as cool as midnight. Yet something about her is familiar and comforting. I honestly, don’t remember life without her. I cannot remember what it feels like to not experience the cut of her sarcasm, the look of her irony, and her heavy companionship. She has gotten too strong for me to continue to push her away, so I give her space. I invite her in and let her curl up beside me. I am beginning to accept that she is here for good and that she has chosen me. For some reason, she likes it here. So I make room. The truth is, as much as I try to pretend otherwise she belongs. You see, I am love. Every ounce of my being is love. Greif, although given a bad reputation by society, is simply the dark side of love. Grief is Love misplaced. So grief is as much a part of me as my hands and my feet! I know love because I know grief!